Hey guys and welcome to another Warframe article. And today I want to talk about missions where you can efficiently farm lots of Void relics.
Let’s go over the missions that I’ve had the most success with when farming relics.
How and Where To Farm Lith Relics?
Farm Lith Relics in Orokin Derelict Defense
So, if you want to get Lith Void relics I would very much recommend you to do Orokin Derelict Defense (ODD) - Lith relic drop chance is 11.11%. Now, all you have to do to access this mission is simply go to the market, type in “derelict”, and then buy the Orokin Derelict Defense Key. This is a reusable blueprint for the key that allows you to play the mission once. Now it may not seem terribly worth it to spend resources every time just to access a mission but it is very much worth it.
The blueprint only takes one minute to build so you can either build them in bulk by just spending some time at the foundry or you can just start building a new one every time you go and do the mission. Now you’re only going to get Lith relics on the rotation A which are waves five and ten. So, the best way of farming relics here is to simply do 10 waves extract and do it again. It can reward you with any of the Lith relics, and sometimes you might get an endo pack every now and then but it happens very rarely.
Farm Lith Relics in Spear on Mars
And for those of you who don’t want to build keys in your foundry, the mission for farming Lith relics might be Spear on Mars. As well as ODD it drops Lith relics on rotation A. The relics drop chance is 8.33% so every now and then you will get a random mod something like Vitality or Trick Magazine but most of the time you will get a Lith Relic.
Also, if you want to rush the waves to get your relics as fast as possible it’s better to do it solo rather than with a random party. Because when you’re running solo you have far fewer enemy spawning in. So you don’t have to kill as many of them. And you also won’t have to worry about your party members running all over the tileset causing the enemies to take cover in weird places and generally just slowing the enemies down.
Best Warframes To Farm Lith Relics
Here are some frames and builds to run these missions in the most effective way:
- Banshee - Resonating Quake Build
- Equinox - Mend and Maim Build
- Volt - Discharge Build
- Ember - World on Fire Build
- Nova - Speed Build
How and Where To Farm Meso Relics?
IO on Jupiter - Best Place To Farm Meso Relics
Moving on to the Meso Void Relics and the best one for farming those, in my opinion, is IO on Jupiter. And this is basically a corpus version of Spear on Mars for Meso Relics. It’s actually a little bit better than Spear on Mars because the tileset is even smaller and the spawn locations are close to each other so if you’re running with something like Ember with the World on Fire Build you can do 10 waves in under 5 minutes. All you have to do just turn on World on Fire and run from one side to the other.
Now I would very much recommend bringing in an automatic weapon to deal with nullifiers because you will get a couple of nullifiers going from wave 5 to 10. If you run this with a bow or a sniper rifle, it’s either going to take you a while to take the bubble or you’re going to have to run into the bubble which will deactivate your ability. So, what you want to do is just bring an automatic rifle and start peppering the bubble as soon as you see it. Once the bubble goes down the nullifier will just die from World On Fire or whatever you are using to kill the enemies. Just like with Spear, the Void Relics don’t have 100% of chance, every now and then, you will see stuff like endo but most of the time you will get a relic on rotation A which is waves 5 and 10.
How and Where To Get Neo Relics?
Farm Neo Relics in Hydron on Sedna
Moving on to the Neo Relics and the best mission, in my opinion, for farming those is Hydron on Sedna. This is another great defence mission tileset. It’s pretty small and the spawn points are once again very close together. However, the enemies are much higher level than they were on the previous relics farming places so Ember, for example, isn’t actually that effective. And ten waves are going to take more like 10 to 12 minutes.

I personally have three different builds, that I use for Hydron and the one I use depends on what I actually want to do on Hydron. So, if I just want to farm Hydron solo I’m going to use Saryn with Spore Build. I’m using very high-efficiency build so, it’s not as power-hungry and I don’t have to use like a bazillion energy restores but it’s kind of slow.
The second setup I use is Resonating Banshee and this one is much faster but also far more power-hungry so, if you don’t have any Trinity with you, you’re going to have to use a lot of energy restores. This setup can get somewhat expensive if you just want to play solo because you will have to use energy restores, but if you’re playing in an organized party where you have a Trinity and a buffer frame it is amazing because it’s straight up the fastest way to get through the waves on Hydron. So, it’s awesome for farming relics and if you have a focus lens on your Banshee it’s also very good for farming focus.
And finally, the one I use the most on Hydron leeching Trinity EV Build. This is a setup that I use for levelling weapons. I will simply unequip everything except the weapon I want to level up. I go into Hydron and I give people energy using Energy Vampire and heal them using Blessing. However, there is a downside to running this setup because even though you are giving people energy and you are healing them you don’t have any damage. So, the speed at which you clear waves is up to your teammates. And if you get into a party that’s full of leeches and no one has any damage it’s going to take 10 to 15 minutes to do five waves. And once again, the drop chance of the relics is not 100%. So, every now and then you will get a random mod and they drop on rotation A which is waves five and ten.
Where & How To Farm Axi Relics

Xini on Eris - Best Place To Farm Axi & Neo Relics
Finally, we have Axi Void Relics and the mission I would recommend to farm Axi Relics is Xini on Eris which is an infested interception. Now while you can do this one solo if you’re running a build like Banshee Resonating Quake Build because this setup will stagger enemies on three of the four points which even though it’s not killing the enemies its preventing them from hacking the point.
However, I would highly recommend you do this with at least a public squad because first of all getting the points to begin with is going to be a pain in the back and second of all you can’t really hold all four points yourself so it’s going to take much longer than if you’re in a party that can hold all four points.
Now there are some setups that can hit all four points and stagger the enemy so they can’t hack them but good luck getting all four points in this mission on your own. Now the way you’re gonna get relics here is that you are going to get Neo Relics on rotation A so round one and two and you’re gonna get Axi relics on rotation B and C which are rounds three and four.
Farm Axi Relics in Hydron on Sedna
If there are no open squads on Xini for you to join and you’re not in a clan or you simply want to farm Axi relics on your own and that’s going to be Hydron on Sedna. It’s currently the most popular affinity farming spot which means there are always open squads for you to join. Now Hydron is much easier to solo out than Xini and it has basically the same rewards you’re gonna get Neo relics on waves five and ten and Axi relics on ways 15 and 20.
The only downside here is that if you want to farm Axi relics in a public squad you’re most likely not going to get to waves fifteen or twenty. Most people will just leave on wave ten because of how much affinity you can get in this mission. If you only equip one weapon and unequip the other two and you have a booster you can max the weapon out in ten waves. So, what a lot of people will do is jump in with a single weapon, max it out in ten waves, and then leave. However, this is only really an issue if you’re setup can solo waves 15 and 20 because if it can you can just stay behind and do it yourself.
Farm Axi Relics & Endo packs in Hieracon on Pluto
And for those of you who prefers excavation missions and beside Axi relics want to get some Endo packs I would recommend to go onto Hieracon on Pluto. Hieracon is one of the few excavation missions that you can still do solo because it doesn’t suffer from the idiotic enemy spawning if you’re in solo mode. So, even though there will be times where your excavator will be out of power it’s not going to happen very often.
The rewards on Hieracon our overall really good because in rotation A which is excavators 1 and 2 you can get a 400 endo pack and on rotation B which is excavator 3 you can get Neo relic and then finally on rotation C which is the fourth excavator you can get an Axi relic. Also, Hieracon is a very popular farming location so getting a party on Hieracon is not hard at all.
Prime Parts Drop Tables
Zephyr Prime, Tiberon Prime, and Kronen Prime
If you want to get your hands on Zephyr Prime, Tiberon Prime or Kronen Prime relics I suggest you read this article to find out which relics you need.
Limbo Prime, Pyrana Prime, and Destreza Prime
You can find drop tables for Limbo Prime, Pyrana Prime, and Destreza Prime parts here.
Chroma Prime, Rubico Prime, and Gram Prime
If you want to get your hands on Chroma Prime, Rubico Prime, and Gram Prime relics I suggest you read this article to find out which relics you need.
Nova Prime, Soma Prime, and Vasto Prime
If you want to get your hands on Nova Prime, Soma Prime, and Vasto Prime relics I suggest you read this article to find out which relics you need.
Mag Prime, Boar Prime, and Dakra Prime
If you want to get your hands on Mag Prime, Boar Prime, and Dakra Prime relics I suggest you read this article to find out which relics you need.
And that’s pretty much it for the article. I wish you good luck when farming relics. And I will see you next time. Bye-bye.