Trinity Blessing Build
Hey guys and today we’re gonna check out Trinity Blessing Build which focuses on Blessing and it’s geared more towards providing massive damage reduction as well as healing to your entire team.
Possessing powerful restorative and defensive abilities, Trinity excels at supporting her allies, revitalizing and protecting them from harm.
Trinity’s passive is Triage. She is able to revive fallen allies faster and from further away.
Ability Strength mods affect the percentage of damage that is converted to healing of Well of Life as well as the maximum health that can be restored before the ability ends. They also affect the damage and energy restored of Energy Vampire and the amount of healing, shields restored and damage reduction from Blessing. Ability Range mods affect the cast range of Well of Life, the cast range and the energy pulse’s radius of Energy Vampire and the range of Link. Ability Duration mods affect the duration of Well of Life, Energy Vampire, Link and the damage resistance buff from blessing. One thing to note with Energy Vampire is that the number of pulses is always the same and the time between them depends on the ability’s duration. The longer it lasts the longer the time between each pulse is.
So, all things considered, here are some builds you may want to try on your Trinity:
Hey guys and today we’re gonna check out Trinity Blessing Build which focuses on Blessing and it’s geared more towards providing massive damage reduction as well as healing to your entire team.
Hey guys and today we’re gonna check out Trinity EV Build which focuses on Energy Vampire ability and the Vampire Leech augment mod and it provides a lot of energy and over shields to your entire team and can also do some really nice burst healing with the Blessing.